Omg, this is a topic that triggers me a lot. Probably because I am not “there”:
Living your values is not synonymous to living authentically.
The values that you define are not necessarily equal to what is important to you “from the authentic core of your being”.
What does that mean?
You can live your values and still be fucking miserable if you are disregarding your needs. I’ve been there. I was living my values – seeking adventure and freedom.
I did not realize that there was something else. There was a part of myself I did completely disregard – a part of me that was looking for something completely else.
In the first place this part of myself was looking to be recognized and by recognized I mean “being felt”.
Living authentically means feeling your feelings. Feeling yourself where you are at in this very moment. And this is way more complex than it sounds. When I first found out that I have no idea what I am feeling, I was shocked.
Living authentically means going to bed, when you are tired. Rest, when you are exhausted (and not go out and live your values!). Quit, when you have enough of whatever you are doing. Your body is here to let you know.
Of course, this is simplified.
Living authentically means FACING the challenges that are right in front of you right now.
Yes, getting to know your values can be groundbreaking, mind-shattering, soul-shaking. Gosh, it can raise your awareness, higher your vibration to a new level.
It does – and then the work starts.
The moment when you become aware of the things that truly matter to you deep down within is the moment when the work starts.
The elicitation of values is not cherry picking, it is an HONEST investigation – a lengthy, ever-evolving process of self-discovery.