Perfect Imperfection

By nature, life is imperfect.

So, what makes us expect our lives to be perfect?

Why are we giving ourselves such a hard time “trying to be perfect”?

We try to find “the perfect solution” – for problems we don’t even fully understand.
We want the perfect body, the perfect mind, the perfect relationship, the perfect job, the perfect life…
We create perfect brands to attract “the right” audience.
We seek “the perfect client”.

We always (want to) have a perfect answer.

Can you see a pattern? What are we trying to manipulate?

Are we over-achieving life?

What if we responded to life instead of trying to control it?
What if we valued our unique abilities over perfection?
What if we served more than just ourselves?
What if we cooperated with (our own) nature instead of trying to dominate it?

And YES, I’m asking questions without having an answer.




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