Yesterday morning I found out that the digging is over.
It’s time to lift the treasures.
Everything is right here. There is nothing to invent or prepare but only to retrieve. Probably it has been that way all along.
Lost or determined? With the bold answer to this short reflective question the year 2024 ended for me.
For the longest time I have labeled myself as lost – until I understood that my ‘getting lost’ is my determination to dig deeper.
It literally came tumbling down on me throughout this New Year’s transition: It is time to lift the treasures!
My own treasures were buried deep down inside beneath disbelief and discontent.
All of these past years I have been digging and digging and digging – until I have discovered light amidst the darkest of tunnels. I have recovered the hidden treasures of my underworld.
Am I lost or determined?
The answer, finally, became so clear to me – I would like to scream it out loud (it has been for a lot of people around me):
I am determined to explore truth!
To me this means to embody all of human nature, all my emotions, every bone, cell and fibre of being alive.
I’m determined to lift the treasures here and now.