Questioning Facts

This is a thought experiment. It’s meant to question, not to educate.

So, all information you work with is research-based?
Has it ever crossed your mind that this might be limiting you?

Your loyalty to facts might be limiting your thought process, your intuition, I’d say your reason…. Why?

Because you are thinking within the barriers of other people’s thoughts…

What if the breakthrough lies in the unconfirmed?
What if innovation is what emerges from the unverified?
What if the unseen holds the key to true novelty?
What if the solution is not black or white, but somewhere in between?
What if the unheard-of is the long-awaited answer to questions we’ve been asking for centuries?

Has it ever crossed your mind that your devotion to facts is what’s holding you back – because you can’t know them all?

This is the human predicament.

We think we can know it all, and yet our so-called reasoning is shaped by lenses we didn’t choose. Our perception of reality is based on a vision that’s pre-conceived by conformed lenses.

What might happen if we looked beyond them?




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