Amplify Love

I breathe in deeply.

All negativity evaporates with my outbreath.

A warm energy flow climbs from chakra to chakra.

Every chakra – from root to crown – unites into one circle.

A warm golden wave lights up my whole body.

Love runs through my veins.

Every tiny bit of tension eases.

A tingeling sensation circulates from head to toe – embracing my entire being.

Every cell expands.

Every cell becomes love.

Every cell erradicates the last bits of resistance.

All the energy I have ever received transforms into light.

I imagine everybody can feel it now.

The love erruption.

Be love. Now.



Nature doesn’t want to destroy us. She wants us back.

This is the call to reunite – to reconnect.

We are called to ground ourselves. Re-grow roots. Re-store sanity. Re-integrate (into) natural order.

We are called to trust.

Trust in the natural cure that the elements provide us.

The appreciation of what is, what was and what will be is our remedy.

Let’s return home together.

It is up to us to create a new world order.

We need to learn to listen again what mother earth wants to tell us.

It’s the time to stand still in the eye of the storm and see what’s left.

A new set of values will evolve if we finally wake up.


Silent Worship

Participate in life like you are attending a funeral.

Celebrate every moment as a ceremony.

Approach every task with grace and dignity.

Appreciate the beautiful memories and let them warm your heart.

Speak words of wisdom and kindness.

Surrender to the procedure – the natural law of gain and loss.

Bow to life deeply.


Universal Bliss

What would happen if we would bless instead of pray?

What would happen if we would truly appreciate this miracle called life?

What would happen if all of a sudden we would feel nothing but compassion for one another?

What would happen if we would only trust?

What would happen if we would understand each other so well that words were not necessary anymore?

What would happen if we would create a language out of joy?

What would happen if we would give each other space instead of advice?

What would happen if we could reach through each other’s resistance and connect from the heart?

Would we set us free?

Would there be hope?



Burn your agenda.
Drop your weapons.
Keep sharpening the knife.
Don’t force your power.
The fire of creation is what purifies your soul.
Real bravery is being in the eye of the storm.

Fight the fight, but fight it with dignity.


Restoring Sanity

The higher the highs the lower the lows.
The brighter the light the darker the holes.

The deeper the pain the greater the gain.

There is a treasure within ourselves.
We just have to find it.

The truth doesn’t come smoothly. It comes hailing down on you.

If it doesn’t hurt it is not the truth.

The truth isn’t a pre-cooked dinner of your mom. It’s raw. You will not find a recipe on how to prepare it.

Because there is nothing to prepare.

If you walk on the verge of insanity everything is about balance.

Nothing else.