Blank Slate

I’m diving deep and yet I’m scratching the surface.
I’m travelling far and yet I’m going nowhere at all.
I’m letting go and yet I’m receiving more than I can take in.
I’m here and yet I’m eternal.


My Life Changed…

My life changed…

when I allowed lightness.

when I let myself harvest the fruits.

when I acknowledged my work.

when I appreciated my own journey. Every step of it.

For a long time something was missing in my life and I could not grasp what it was.

Until I found it within myself. This female role model that puts me at ease.


See Clearly

See your blocks. Face them.
Explore your emotions. Live them.
Appreciate your experience. Take it in.

Be proud of who you are. No matter what.

What’s the worst that can happen?

You might start living your life.


The Flame

I can see it now clearly unfolding.

My life’s story.
My trajectory.

The old voices have faded.

This morning I rediscovered the flame that is burning inside of me.

Calm and beautifully, undisturbed.

It burnt all the way through.

The soft power of the flame is relentless.

I knew it deep down inside.

There is something “more”…

There is a force beyond my perception.

As the conditions get worse, severe weather is impeding the sight, evil forces are dragging my will….

A fundamental strength establishes and executes.

Sudden revelations are the result.

A physical destruction of patterns and control.

This morning it was there: The flame.

Burning and nurturing my wild self.