What risk are you ready to take?
Which barriers are you willing to break?
Rough Diamonds
I write a bunch of stuff – sometimes the content is useful, sometimes not so much.
In order to process my spiritual and psychological insights I like to create some sort of poetry from time to time. Sometimes it’s just a few words, sometimes it’s a letter and sometimes it’s a whole story.
‘Rough Diamonds’ describes the current state of these snippets of text.
Embrace The 3D
Embody it.
In order to move beyond the manifestation you got to embrace it. Dive into the complexity of surrender by being it. Flow with grace into consciousness. Don’t try to manipulate by closing yourself off from the force of life.
The Subtle Surrender
The power of deconditioning lies in my physical body.
My fabric releases the blockages that are separating my being from aliveness.
All of sudden it is there – without me doing anything about it.
My body is the vehicle for my self-actualization.
It inherits all the knowledge and all the power to transform.
I am able to transform physical matter and this way I am also transforming my mind.
There is the subtle surrender.
The magic’s unfolding.
The clarification takes place.
It all is the divine – the light and the dark.
Everything else is separation.
There is no good and no bad.
All is love.
There is liberation to be found in the tiniest moments as soon as we accept what there is.
If we receive with no expectation, then is the moment we expand our consciousness and we heal the whole earth.
This is an appeal: Can we love and unite without prejudice?
Can we replace judgment with love?
When will we understand that love is not a feeling?
It is an eternal force that is part of our DNA.
It is a prerequisite for evolution.
The opening of our hearts is our chance for union. If we drop our armour, peace takes place.
What’s necessary?
It will be necessary to grief – in communion.
It will be necessary to feel it all to the end.
We can’t deny what belongs to us anyways!
We can’t deny what we have done to ourselves and to our earth and that’s okay.
That’s the plan – our destiny.
Ease into your pain.
Hold yourself tightly.
Be okay with not being okay.
This too shall pass.
You are the divine incarnated with all there is.
I love you.
Random human being
Life Goes On
And sometimes life goes on in a way that we could not possibly foresee.
The work pays off when we least expect it.
Miracles happen that we could not imagine in our wildest dreams.
The puzzle is completing itself. We move on.
The darkest moments turn into our pivotal turning points of growth.We know it deep down inside. We have done the work in a myriad of ways. And there she is: Life force. She was there all the way, but we could not receive her.
Alignment cracks us open. It happens. If we are ready or not. Things fall into place drastically.
We had no idea that it could be true.
What would your life look like if you’d remove the roadblocks NOW? Are you scared of the unknown? Scared of the light that is awaiting you on the other side of your fear?
Don’t be scared. Hit the road. It’s leading you home…
Approaching Life From a Yin Perspective
The yin gives up searching.
The yin is the full acceptance of the parts that still want to be transformed.
The yin is the knowing that there will always be parts that want to be transformed.The yin comforts our discomfort.
She dresses the wounds.
She flares us open and yet she heals us.
The yin tells the long-forgotten stories. The stories that are still being lived through us.
The yin helps us to remember.
She nourishes the ground for us to stand on – and to eventually move on.
Text inspired by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
When in doubt, witness.
Morning Routine
I dance with my heart.
I connect to my soul.
I embrace my gifts.
I give away control.
Welcome Transformation
Anticipate change.
Welcome transformation.
Live life.
See Beauty
Find beauty within, and you will see it everywhere.
Embrace the imperfect.
Connect to source.