Gather from the sky.
Ground with the earth.
Root, absorb and nourish.
Open your heart.
Relinquish what belongs elsewhere.
Preserve what is yours.
Be present.
Be potent.
Be powerful.
Rough Diamonds
I write a bunch of stuff – sometimes the content is useful, sometimes not so much.
In order to process my spiritual and psychological insights I like to create some sort of poetry from time to time. Sometimes it’s just a few words, sometimes it’s a letter and sometimes it’s a whole story.
‘Rough Diamonds’ describes the current state of these snippets of text.
Manifestation Recap
If you are longing for connection, isolation won’t get you any closer.
If you want to become rich, being greedy doesn’t expand your wealth.
If you want to believe in yourself, questioning your worth is self-defeating.Self-doubt zeroizes trust.
Negativity retains resistance.As soon as you open up, things will change.
Allow the impossible.
Navigational Alignment
Trust your instincts – even if your mind is rebelling.
Take action – even though it scares the shit out of you.
Experiment fearlessly – no matter what the outcome might look like.
Move forward – even though you can’t see the road.
There is only the next step. Take it now.
Wild Hearted
Be wild.
Be you.
Be true.
Trust Harder
Do you feel like giving up?
Trust harder.Are you angry?
Love stronger.Are you restless?
Breathe in deeply.Do you blame?
Forgive instead.Do you want to scream and shout?
Dance.Have you lost hope?
Keep dreaming.There will be a tomorrow.
Thank You Letter to The Sun
Dear sun,
thank you for reinvigorating me with energy every day.
Thank you for reemerging after the darkest of nights.
Thank you for shining the spotlight on me – if I’m ready or not.
Thank you for smiling back at me in the early morning.
Thank you for warming my chest when I can’t feel myself.
Thank you for keeping me connected to my source.
Thank you for guiding me the way every single day.
Thank you for being with me – even when you are hiding behind the cloud curtain.
I get it. I get you.
I will always bow to you.
In devotion.
Random human being
Reversing The What if’s
What if you had the time?
What if you had the answer?
What if you had what it takes?
What if you would allow flow?
What if you’d qualify yourself anew each day?The universe works in mysterious ways.
Question your thoughts, but never lose trust.Everything is possible. Everything is possible.
Dream vs. Reality
dream shattering = reality building
Be happy for who you are, where you are. Don’t measure your worth in your productivity or in (what you define as) your success. Listen to your inner voice AND take action – even if it’s uncomfortable. Trust. Honour your past. Anticipate your future. Face every challenge with grace. Go the extra mile. For your own creation. Express yourself. Stop apologizing for nothing. Respect your boundaries. Relax daily. Channel your energy.
Remember who loves you and remember who you love and stick to those people. Walk with the ones who are excited about what you are doing. Don’t be mad at the ones who aren’t. Remember that nobody can take your joy from you. Transform negative energy into positive energy immediately. YOU are the alchemist. Stop taking your thoughts so freakin’ serious. If you are agitated, breathe. Allow flow. THIS is resilience.Keep following your excitement in 2021 and prioritize accordingly.
When in doubt, be grateful.