‘To whom it may concern’, I’m introducing the initial idea of “Coaches From The Future”.
It’s an evolving vision born from a conversation that can be best described with the following quote by fiction writer and essayist William Gibson: “The future has already arrived. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.”
The paradigm of coaching is shifting from goal-driven to purpose-aware. Coaches From The Future’s mission is to assist this shift. The new era of coaching is not about achievement but about awareness, patience, compassion and joy. These are the qualities Coaches From The Future are meant to bring to cognition.
Coaches From The Future is not a business that follows any marketing strategy. It’s a collective vision that’s emerging now.
We can’t know exactly what it is. We can only sense it.
Coaches From The Futureā¦
- open the gates of resistance
- lift collective wisdom
- recognize ressources
- remove blinders
- are here to learn
- agree that change is a collective effort
- assist the transcendence of old paradigms
- assist complete integration of all forms of ego
- recognize interdependence as a vital element of personal (and thus collective) growth
- promote integration vs. over-individualization
- embrace uncertrainty and are willing to step into the void of uncertainty
- embrace discomfort
- fathom chaos
- endure resistance – without judging themselves or others
- don’t force action
- co-create
- (transmute violence)
CFTF operateā¦
- beyond hierarchical systems
- beyond dogma
- beyond logic
- detached from outcome
- without agenda
- open to possibility
- with all-encompassing compassion
What is the core idea behind Coaches From The Future?
Coaches From The Future is meant to open a permission field for exploration. It’s meant to move human consciousness beyond resistance, beyond rigidity and beyond conditionings that don’t align with the planet’s and humanity’s needs anymore. Coaches From The Future is meant to nurture the fertile ground of transformation. CFTF summon the uncharted ideas and methods from the future.
What are the values of Coaches From The Future?
There are no core values defined for Coaches From The Future, because the values, ideas and resonant steps emerge momentarily. The idea is to provide a space of exploration of what could be values for the common good.
Who are Coaches From The Future?
You are a coach from the future, when you know you are.
Coaches from the future can be any kind of practitioner of energy healing work, shamanic work or holistic coaching modalities like life coaching, embodiment coaching, constellation work, yoga, reiki, sound healing, akasha or shamanic journeys – and alike. Artists, musicians, social workers or facilitators could be coaches from the future too.
There are a few things Coaches From The Future have in common:
They devoted themselves to the spiritual path to the extent accessible to them (even if they don’t recognize it). They are determined to act from source. They worked through traumas and conditionings in their life – as much as humanly possible. They have been on the path for a while now and primarily they are invested in walking their path – as opposed to building a business or increasing revenue.
Potential questions asked by CFTF
- What’s emerging?
- What story wants to be told?
- How do we rise up to the challenge?
- How do we make a leap?
- How can we support each other?
- What’s moving beyond integration?
Terms connected to CFTF
- gatekeepers
- empathetic coaching practice
- soul coaching
- permission field
- invitation
- leaning in
- endurance
- perseverance
- post-spiritual
- emergence
- appreciation
- non-extractive practices (It’s not the idea to get the most out of it, but to pour the most {love and life} into it.)
What can Coaches From The Future be?
- a genuine learning community
- a place to practice coaching modalities
- in service
- facilitators
- sharing, doing, evolving
How do Coaches From The Future help you?
They are here to meet you where you are at.
They recognize your knowledge.
They welcome your resistance.
They recognize your be(longing).
They see, hear and feel you.
They see your path ahead when you can’t see it.
To be continued…. (Published on: January 18 ’25)