Can I Mute my Inner Critic?

Who saw that coming?

I didn’t. (POV: Shouldn’t growthbuddy be a grown-up by now?)

I proudly announce: My next (5th?) Micro Habit Challenge, a two-week growth experiment.

It’s been a while, yes.

And it’s been a while since I really dove deep here on this blog. It doesn’t mean that I did not dive deep in my real life. Actually it’s the opposite.

This year has been transformative beyond measure. And I have the feeling that it will finish that way too… There has been not a single day without breakthroughs this year.

  • I found love inside of myself. The love for the guru. (I will speak about that in further posts.)
  • I have found my truth amidst emotional turmoil and chaos – again and again – and yet:
  • I have lost myself to an extent that I can’t recall from my previous iterations of change. (Spoiler: It’s the good kind of lost.)
  • I have found my tribe, a new tribe I did not see coming in this lifetime (which excites me and increases my anxiousness at times, because now I have no excuses anymore to hide myself in the closet.).
  • Last but not least: I have received a blessing from His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India, which literally brought me to my knees and allowed me to enter the most humbling healing journey of my life.

Something has shifted this year. In a big way. And this big shift caused my self sabotage system to flare. The void has gotten very dark, the unknown inexhaustibly vast. My ego simply can’t handle it anymore, haha.

Wow, the conditionings are way more powerful than I have imagined!! I really bought into the narrative… “Just one more cource, one more training and then I’m there.” A yoga teacher training (to be really precise, my second yoga teacher training), the successful finishing of my professional coaching training end of last year, the starting of tibetan buddhism studies, the fulfillment of my dream to go back to my precious India this year… All of it – did not beat my limiting beliefs. It did not mute – or find any fruitful connection my inner critic (at least not that I’m aware of). It did not change the narrative that I’m still holding on to so tightly (and lovingly?).

Actually my self doubts are bigger than ever before. Haha, you wonder why?

Because now is the time to put things into action. I literally can’t contain all the knowledge anymore. It’s spilling out of my ears. (Not sure if this is an English term. It’s a German one.). I have to put ‘my work’ into practice, get myself “out there” in order to move on – while (while and not despite) I am in constant transformation… I don’t think I will ever be ready. So. The time is now! NOW I’m ready!

This is probably the biggest realization of this year so far: There is no end to it. I will keep transforming. We all do. And that’s absolutely astonishing and, in my opinion, it’s actually really good news: We are changing!! Hurrayy!

“You are more than ready. You have the knowledge. You have the experience. You have what it takes to show up,” a friend and coaching buddy recently pointed out too me.

Only one thing is still blocking me: And this is my own mind that keeps spiraling down those rabbit holes again and again and again.

You know what?

I am done with it.

I have done hard shit. I have moved out of really dense toxic patterns. I will move beyond this invisible wall too – whatever it takes.

So, what am I going to do?

For the next two weeks I will MUTE the inner critic. How am I going to do that? I’m not really sure to be honest. Haha.

These are some baby steps I’m planning to take from today on for the next two weeks:

  • If I feel an urge to “act”, to create or to say something and I don’t do it, because I think “I’m not ready” (or anything along those lines), I will do it anyway.
  • If I crawl into my shell, because a wave of worthlessness is rolling over me, I will let it move on.
  • I will take the time to meditate for 30 minutes and journal in the evenings. By the end of next week I will post my update…
  • Oooh: And a hard one: I’m going to ask for help, if I happen to beat myself up for not knowing something really crucial. Because this is what the inner critic loves to do: To blame me for my lack of knowledge in certain topics, whereas the more useful step would be to ask for help…

Why I am doing this?

Honestly, those Micro Habit Challenges have been the most transformational, motivating and in this way “productive” for me… They really raise my awareness on those sweet-spots. I vividly remember my writing challenge from 2018 (or was it 2019? Will check that later.) and my “non-judgement-challenge”.

I identified the inner voice and now I’m going to change it. Easy. Let’s go.