2025 |
March |
2 |
Pruning The Mind
February |
3 |
A Place Called Trust
January |
10 |
Change is Imperative
7 |
Lifting the Treasures
6 |
Decoding Enlightenment
2024 |
December |
17 |
Contain And Release
November |
30 |
The Antidote
25 |
Let Greed And Anger be Your Opponents
October |
27 |
Blame or Claim
21 |
Feel Love
13 |
My Inner Critic Lives in The Future
8 |
Wisdom is Nothing to Achieve
3 |
Can I Turn Towards my Inner Critic With Compassion?
September |
22 |
Can I Mute my Inner Critic?
14 |
Nothing to Prove
10 |
Boundless Creation
1 |
A Moment of Truth
August |
22 |
Thoughts on Resistance
21 |
The Freedom of no Addiction
20 |
Love The Path
16 |
You Are That Love
11 |
Perfect Imperfection
July |
29 |
21 |
What if?
14 |
Love is The Only Confession
June |
17 |
Falling Into Perfection
11 |
Allow Abundance
May |
2 |
Meet Yourself in Love
1 |
Divine Intervention
April |
24 |
From The Streams of (Un)Consciousness
March |
6 |
Who Are You Without Your Mistakes?
February |
29 |
Blank Slate
22 |
What Are You Holding on to?
January |
7 |
My Life Changed…
2023 |
December |
18 |
See Clearly
4 |
Let it be Hard
November |
25 |
8 |
Grow Like Moss
7 |
Respond to Life
3 |
Bear The Fruit
October |
29 |
Embodied Darkness
1 |
Riding The Wave of Gratitude
September |
4 |
Learning Forward
August |
17 |
The Headless Buddha or “Meeting Myself With Compassion”
July |
28 |
The Flame
5 |
June |
23 |
Beacon of Change
8 |
Seek And Find
6 |
Your Story
May |
31 |
Reversed Resolutions
30 |
12 |
Fading Stories
April |
25 |
Hello, Darkness
March |
29 |
Grinding Through Transformation
February |
21 |
How to Humble Yourself
16 |
Breaking Ground
14 |
I Bow to You, Life!
January |
17 |
Self-Honourship 2023
6 |
Roads to Take
2022 |
December |
23 |
Embrace The 3D
23 |
The Subtle Surrender
November |
19 |
Receive Resilience
16 |
Life Goes On
8 |
Befriend Your Mistakes Reloaded
1 |
Approaching Life From a Yin Perspective
October |
30 |
18 |
Living Your Values is Not Equal to Living Authentically
15 |
Productive Gratitude
1 |
Your Desire is Your Destiny or “Doing is The New Thinking”
September |
30 |
Morning Routine
30 |
Inspiration Daily
21 |
Welcome Transformation
16 |
See Beauty
August |
13 |
Understanding The Patterns
9 |
5 |
The Magic of No Expectation
5 |
Get it Out
1 |
Collective Purging
July |
23 |
Make Space
June |
30 |
Drop The Rope
24 |
Riding The Wave
23 |
Step Into The Flow
19 |
3 Ways to Drop The Self-Sabotage-Agenda
11 |
May |
7 |
Thoughts on Arrival
1 |
There is Only Life
February |
28 |
“The Why” is Not The Holy Grail
January |
31 |
A Moment of Bliss
21 |
Remember to Breathe
5 |
Don’t Set Rules, Set Intentions
2021 |
December |
31 |
Thank You Letter To My Friends
20 |
Observations of 2021
November |
28 |
Collective Shadow Work, The Fear of Change and The Paradox of “Surrender”
14 |
Thinking About Writing
12 |
What Makes a Genuine Person?
4 |
Ease in
October |
31 |
Yes, Universe
28 |
23 |
Time is Relative
14 |
Be Soft
September |
12 |
Let Your Energy Speak
4 |
How to Think More Colorful
August |
25 |
Manifestation Recap
July |
9 |
Not to Write is Not an Option
June |
13 |
Navigational Alignment
May |
30 |
Meeting Patience Halfway
24 |
How to Push Through Apathy
April |
8 |
Wild Hearted
March |
17 |
About ‘Being Spiritual’
7 |
Trust Harder
February |
28 |
The Power of Curiosity
20 |
Thank You Letter to The Sun
January |
21 |
Reversing The What if’s
16 |
The Role of Mindfulness in The Process of Self-Discovery or ‘Be The Change’, But be Patient
16 |
Dream vs. Reality
15 |
2020 |
December |
31 |
28 |
22 |
Manifest Boldly
9 |
How to Thrive in Times of Crisis?
November |
30 |
22 |
Autumn Leaves and Jelly Fishes
13 |
Allow Destruction
11 |
3 |
Compassion is Nothing to Achieve
October |
30 |
Befriend Your Mistakes
28 |
‘Do-Nothing-Challenge’ – Looong Update After Two Weeks
25 |
Soul Retrieval
18 |
The Battlefield Is In Your Head Vol. 1 – and The “Do-Nothing-Challenge”
6 |
The Way Back
September |
30 |
What is Freedom?
3 |
About Words
August |
28 |
Swallow The Truth
July |
23 |
All in
21 |
Allow Grief
19 |
The Problem With Separation Consciousness
10 |
Permission Slip
June |
29 |
Back Yourself Up
25 |
Radical Self Love
18 |
Radical Awareness
5 |
Trust in Your Creation
3 |
May |
30 |
Play It Lightly
28 |
Enjoy Your Crisis
20 |
Thoughts on Compromise
20 |
Living Spaces
17 |
Silence Strikes
12 |
Release It All
10 |
Who am I?
April |
25 |
Magnitude 8.5
23 |
3 Simple Ways To Develop Self-Discipline
13 |
Recreate Yourself
March |
26 |
Amplify Love
19 |
15 |
Silent Worship
2 |
On Track
February |
15 |
Universal Bliss
4 |
Nurture Love
2 |
Why Feeling Feelings Is Important
January |
25 |
19 |
Power is Playfulness or How To Spread Light
11 |
New Years Thoughts
2 |
2019 |
December |
15 |
Conflict is the Foundation of Compromise
14 |
Restoring Sanity
November |
28 |
26 |
Daily Meditations
22 |
The Power of Disillusionment
19 |
About The Physical Aspect of ‘Being Preoccupied’ – A Personal Report
18 |
12 |
Please Live
10 |
Imagine There Would Be No Past And No Future
9 |
My Peace is My Priority
7 |
Casual Affirmation
2 |
The Emergence Of Excitement or ‘Can You Feel The Burn?’
October |
24 |
Inverse Resistance
24 |
Follow Up – Feeling Feelings
September |
20 |
Seven Minute Experiment – Setting The Stage
11 |
Honouring The Past, Anticipating The Future or ‘A New Dawn’
9 |
Embodying Reality
August |
11 |
You Can’t Challenge Reality
6 |
Hiding in Silence
July |
27 |
About The Path
21 |
Writing Transformation Challenge 0.1
20 |
What Would Happen To Your Life If You Turned All The “Shoulds” Into “Dos”?
15 |
The Magic of Observation
14 |
The Lonesome Warriors
13 |
3 Tools That Help Me To Reveal Toxic Thinking Patterns
11 |
10 |
We Grow When We Sleep
8 |
Head In The Clouds
7 |
Beyond Pain Lies Compassion
6 |
Morning Conversations
5 |
Writing Transformation Challenge 0.0
5 |
Desiring The Non-Desirable
June |
19 |
Invite the Pain – It Wants to Tell You Something
May |
29 |
Micro Habit Challenge 5.2: Every Thought Is A Judgement
21 |
Micro Habit Challenge 5.1: Who Am I Judging?
13 |
Micro Habit Challenge 5.0: Am I Ready to Stop Judging?
April |
28 |
Reclaiming Happiness
11 |
Every Moment is an Opportunity
March |
28 |
24 Hours
22 |
The Circle of Happiness or Why Self-Care is an Obligation
15 |
The Beginning of Darkness
15 |
Learning to Unlearn
13 |
The Urge To Create
7 |
Rules Of The Road
February |
26 |
3 Ways To Eventually Get Things Done
21 |
Why I Get Nothing Done
18 |
Why Gratefulness is a Practice
15 |
The Only Way
12 |
3 Things That Really Hold You Back From Achieving Your Goals
12 |
No Excuses
9 |
Micro Habit Challenge 4.2 – Mindfulness beats Social Media
7 |
Micro Love
5 |
Learning To Live
January |
31 |
Micro Habit Challenge 4.1 – Social Media Substitution
27 |
26 |
Micro Habit Challenge 4.0 – Social Media Breakdown
20 |
Overdoing Life
15 |
Learning To Fly
11 |
Learning To See
2018 |
December |
24 |
The Universe Doesn’t Understand “No”
November |
30 |
Accept The Journey
29 |
Flesh And Bone
29 |
The Fear of Creation
26 |
3 Fertilizer for Personal Growth
16 |
Paradox Pleasures
14 |
My Personal To-Do-List
10 |
3 Steps Towards Positive Thinking
9 |
Time to Breathe
8 |
Become Alive
7 |
Live Now
October |
8 |
Fail Fast, Learn Quick
September |
7 |
We Can Only Heal From The Inside
2 |
Commiting Life
August |
21 |
Burst of Appreciation
19 |
I Know Nothing
16 |
Black, White, All Or Nothing?
15 |
My Thoughts Are Like Needles
8 |
Arriving Moments
3 |
Love Yourself More
July |
27 |
The Revival of the Growthbuddy
5 |
Blind Ends
June |
19 |
I Found The Drain For My Thoughts
April |
8 |
March |
5 |
Sweet Despair
February |
4 |
Micro Habit Challenge 3.2 – Pomodoro Mastery
January |
29 |
Micro Habit Challenge 3.1 – Finding Routine in Chaos
22 |
Micro Habit Challenge 3.0 – Finding Morning and Evening Routines
20 |
15 |
Sunday Thoughts
2017 |
December |
24 |
Thank You Letter To Life
24 |
21 |
What I Really Want In Life
4 |
Micro Habit Challenge 2.1 – A Life without Coffee is Possible
3 |
3 Habits that Help Me to Live in the Present Moment
November |
27 |
Micro Habit Challenge 2.0
26 |
Days of Clarity
18 |
Confusion Coma
17 |
Saying Yes
10 |
Wake Up Call
9 |
Collective Burnout
9 |
October |
28 |
Wind of Change
22 |
3 Habits That Make Me Happy(ier)
21 |
15 |
Micro Habit Challenge 1.2 Week Two – My Breath Becomes my Friend
8 |
Micro Habit Challenge 1.1 Week One – The Aftermath
2 |
Micro Habit Challenge 1.0
1 |
September |
29 |
My Personal Not-To-Do-List
24 |
A Few Things I Understood Recently About The Universe and Myself
11 |
7 |
The Growthbuddy is Growing
4 |
It’s Up To Me
August |
27 |
3 Tricks That Will Boost Your Productivity
27 |
Losing something
27 |
Let’s live
25 |
Who is this Growthbuddy?